Formats and Editions
1. Alleluia, I Heard A Voice
2. Pavan No. 1, Mr Weelkes His Lachrymae
3. *** Evening Service For Trebles
4. Magnificat
5. Nunc Dimittis
6. Pavan No. 5 A5
7. Give The King Thy Judgements, O God
8. Most Mighty And All-knowing Lord
9. O Lord, Arise Into Thy Resting Place
10. Fantasia Of Six Parts
11. Voluntary [I]
12. *** Ninth Evening Service
13. Magnificat
14. Nunc Dimittis
15. Voluntary [II]
16. O Lord, Grant The King A Long Life
17. Give Ear, O Lord
18. Pavan No. 6 A5
19. *** Evening Service In Medio Chori
20. Magnificat
21. Nunc Dimittis
22. Hosanna To The Son Of David
More Info:
Thomas Weelkes - Resurgam (2), The English Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble*, Mark Duley - Gentleman Extraordinary (Anthems, Services, And Instrumental Music)